Optical Frameworks - Music & Field Recording

Music & Field Recording

2023-12-30 Written by Martin D.C.

Sounds & noises.

music image

Yeah, I used to do a lot of noises and sound recording._createMdxContent I am fammiliar with programming sounds, using modular synths, binaural recording and signal processing. I am not a great musician, I was always more interested in finding patterns everywhere and music happens to have a lot of them. If I dont put it in here, it will be lost forever so here we go!

field recording

Video: Recording of a storm. Both video and audio taken on rainy spring of 2016 in Zlin, Czech Republic. Audio recorded using multiple cardiod mics in HRTF setup.

Video: Recording of a rain while sitting under the crevasse to hide from rain. Recorded on custom DIY binaural mics.

field recorded ambiances

OpticalFrameworks · Optical Frameworks - One Semitone

SoundCloud: This was probably the style that used to suit me the most. It involved me finding interesting real-world places to record and then incorporating dub-like ambiances processed throught old tape machines to intensify the mood.

dub techno

OpticalFrameworks · Optical Frameworks - Cosucha Vertigo [early morning]

SoundCloud: Making analog and noisy dub techno tracks were also my favourite for a long time!

beats & drums

OpticalFrameworks · .martin dlabaja - quartal in 5/4

SoundCloud: Another part of music story for me was making beats in odd time signatures and incorporating more oddly colored tonal scales. This track features 5/4 rhythm with quartal harmonies.

Video: For a long time I was passionate about african music theory, this is my favourite polyrhytmic composition based around Takada rhythmic patterns from Ghana region.


OpticalFrameworks · Dlabaja Martin - B min Tryptamine Palace [piano]
SoundCloud: I made few attemps at piano pieces, too.

Video: Improvisation on piano during my time I lived in Turkey for a while.


OpticalFrameworks · See That?
SoundCloud: I have always found singing weird. So I made few weird song with my voice, too.


OpticalFrameworks · .martin dlabaja / optical frameworks - black talon
SoundCloud: In the beginings I did a lot of d&b inspired stuff, most of it is lost, but hey!

Optical Frameworks

Video: Track ‘One Session’ recorded in industrial SVIT zone in Zlin. All sounds are processed field recordings only.

Video: Last Autumn by Optical Frameworks

Optical Frameworks was an ambient-drone-dub-field-recording project of mine based on fiddling around with lo-fi analog devices at hand such as multi-head tape recorders, DIY hydrophones and contact microphones, blending with processed layers of field-recordings I took during my travels. I had released six albums on the Lithuanian label ColdTear Records.

If you would like to hear more, explore my oldest youtube videos, there are hundereds of videos.