Optical Frameworks - Agar Protocols

Agar Protocols

2022-07-01 Written by Martin D.C.

My experiences with cultivating mushroom colonies on agar plates, sterilizing & petri dishes.



Because I needed some reliable source of DNA for sampling, I had to learn how to control the environment variables for cultures of mushrooms on petri dishes in my lab.

This was a first time success and contamination rate was very low. (1 out of 20 gone bad)

I have learned to spot contaminations early, transplant the most rhyzomorphic parts while keeping the sterile protocols.

I have also tried different mushrom species and clone directly from the tissue and from dried caps I had collected the spores for later storage.

Mycelium Mycelium

MAE Recipe #1

The best recipe that has worked for me so far.

  • 10g Agar Agar
  • 7.5g Malt (note: if liquid candid, add more)
  • 500 ml boiling purified water


  • stir between sterilization to disallow sugar to solidify
  • sterilization: 20min @ 15psi

If you have electric cooker like Tesla Cooker, pressure might fluctuate so I go for aprox. 30 min total)

Petri Dish Sterilization: 30 min @ 15psi

Agar Agar Sterilization: 30 min @ 15psi